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Introducing the crew

Internally known as: Samurai Brand Warriors. 

Founder + CEO
Nikiya Price

Founder and CEO of House of Logic, she earned her MBA from Loyola University Chicago in 2024. Ms. Price is a multi-faceted business expert, in addition to being a licensed Real Estate professional. She is an innovative brand marketer and product development specialist, responsible for the development of unique hybrid multimedia platforms.

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Creative Director 
Glyph Sputnik

Willis "Glyph Sputnik" Price is a Chicago based Creative Director and Professional Graphic Designer in the mediums of high end fashion, comics, and animation. He is best known for the creation of his unique urban contemporary stylized characters as depicted on the Wu-Tang’s “The Saga Continues…” album cover. Glyph is an avid Gamer, Hip Hop aficionado, Anime lover, and Martial Artist; and you can see the collective influence of these genres in his work. Pulling from all these arenas, his Art reflects a unique amalgam of his influences thrown in a pot and simmered into a delicious rue of color and expression of the human experience, specifically his own.

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